all 13 comments


NANI Lucy Computer Nerd

Don't use CA's in CA as a general rule.

Music festivals as a whole are hit or miss (mostly volunteers/chill security checking but get the occasional police undercover) and not really different between states. What state you get doesn't really matter for festivals; people fly in from other countries all the time for festivals. Do you want to drink at the festival (where you'd need a really nice 21+ fake) or just get in (18+ and it pretty much just has to swipe/scan)?

B&L isn't a festival they are club type events and usually dependent on the venue itself. B&L/spaceyacht/etc themselves usually don't care though.



this. I wouldn’t use instate ids really ever, but I knew/know tons of people who use instate IDs and got away with it. It’s really up to you. If it’s just for music festivals I would def go OOS as it may even be more believable you aren’t from Cali.


i_main_darius Y E E T

Like you said, I'm instate and get away with it all the time, I've used Tidal, Ourfakes, and now BB U21 oCA. I look young af too. Idk why people say to not use a CA instate. So i would say YMMV based on my (and other people I know's) anecdotal evidence.



people just say don’t use an X ID in X. It’s better to use Y ID in X state.

the idea stems from the fact that people checking ids see the ID for the state they’re located in far more than out of state IDs, and so they have a better eye on what to look for, while out of states are uncommon but belivable, and the inspector has little idea of what to look for



very smart reply - if the even is in that state, probably start using a far state that they are unaware of.


midsummer.madness.18 [S]

Just to drink with since I'm 18+



Insomniac events hire legit bouncers that know their shit at the first ID checkpoint. I've seen them pull out a loupe to look at an ID. May depend which person you get though. I always use my real to get in first then go to ID check inside to get drink wristband. You would need to buy a very good ID to get in


midsummer.madness.18 [S]

Does insomniac not do bands at entry point? Do you just go to the inside check/bar and say they forgot to band you?

thank you all for your help!!



Not sure if they do bands at entry but I always get the bands inside cuz the ID check people dont know what they're looking at. Once I gave them my Scanny NNY and the girl used a UV light and was like "ohhh cooool so many stars" since the NNY UV is lit lol
I would also scout out which ID check is easier. Some ID check stands actually try but i doubt they know what they're looking at



wristbands at entry with 21+ ID


NANI Lucy Computer Nerd

I promise it is hit or miss because I literally know friends who volunteer for these for fun and have 0 experience and have gotten assigned to check IDs because they get short on staff.



My friends got into Zedd in the Park (the best performance ever btw, wow, and I met Whethan) with a g0d nUT i sold them.



edit: delete