all 7 comments



Sounds like a dumb mistake on usps. It's pretty much impossible for a domestic package to get seized

1 OG Vendor

Most likely a person in the house or neighbour has it , but could be usps being lazy and not delivering it but usually if it says delivered its been delivered to someone. But domestic can be seized, its rare in usps because they need a warrant not like fedex,ups , dhl where no warrent is needed. But it does happen but rare.


Seeker404 [S]

no one else in the house has it, ik for sure cuz i got the mail the day it was supposed to come. Should I just wait till night time and look in my neighbors mailbox?


Seeker404 [S]

Would tracking say delivered if it got seized tho?

1 OG Vendor

yes and no. Sometimes they still send the package without the ids. But as i said most likley it was delivered. But if usps they would need a warrantso if they got it the package they wouldnt ship it after.


jefe Moderator

If it were seized, it almost certainly would say seized on tracking. Very rare that it doesn't. Most likely, your post office or mailman is at fault. It's a tough predicament to be in. On the one hand, it sucks you don't have your ID. But for a vendor, what stops someone such as yourself from making up a story to claim a free ID? All vendors have to confirm an ID was delivered is the Delivered status.

Maybe your ID will come soon. My best recommendation would be to wait it out for a week or two. And if not, contact their support and see if there is any plausible resolution. No guarantees of course given the status of delivered. Also, I believe they have a 50% off promo with code 50off, so rebuying for a discount it might not be a bad nuclear option.