all 3 comments



Not sure where were getting the drivers license number idea, from the linked article it looks like they use an algorithm that checks public records aggregators (Think like white pages but better, or they just have membership status) against your billing info, which would work however the last 4 digits of the social suggest they have a membership at a background check website.
Basically this is like a coked up version of what some bouncers have been trying to do lately with Facebook, IG and other socials you can look at without being "friends"- not so much proving age but finding enough contrast to the ID/DOB you claimed to deny it.
Also the "Human Verification" step sounds wildly random but if I had to guess it some nerd that would be at home on this site looking it over or something.
You could try it, but you could also literally just use a fake IRL to buy your nic stick.



And thats why I verified like 10 accounts last year... Selling juul accounts to freshman is about to become a golden buisness



By the look of the article, if they’re actually checking the driver’s license number then it’s a dead giveaway it’s fake. The license number on a fake doesn’t correlate to any real license number.