all 4 comments


idviking OG Vendor

what is your order number? Nobody has had similar experiences because we've been around a long time and we've never 'scammed' anybody.

We also have no emails from Saturday that have not been replied to.


fuego417 [S]

I was never given an order number while emailing your services. I send another email about the order and was asked to confirm the shipping address. After sending the shipping address I have not received a response


idviking OG Vendor

every order placed gets an automatic confirmation emailed which has your order number on it, and in the email subject line. Email us again with your user name so we know we can resolve this for you.

If you didn't get an email confirmation it's entirely possible you had a typo in your email address when placing your order. It happens often.



scemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee