all 12 comments


FoundingFathers Vendor

viking would be your best bet, past him I don't think anyone fucks with uni ids anymore.



I’m not sure if anyone makes those specifically but I’m sure someone could custom make it for you. Generally student ID’s don’t really have any security features and are therefore quite easy to make. Ethically though, what are you gonna do with it



A ton of college towns ask for ur student Id along with ur actual Id as a secondary since fakes are so common


sharpienigga [S]

Yea, and it would be the perfect secondary for Toronto here


NANI Lucy Computer Nerd

But don't most under 21 people have a real student ID? It's pretty uncommon for them to say your birthdate on them.



Don’t most people who have a fake have a real license yes. Like what’s your question there. And I’ve seen like 10 college ids and they all have dob on them as a second form of Id


NANI Lucy Computer Nerd

I meant the average person generally has a real second form of ID that doesn't have their birthdate on it so unless someone were trying to use a fake name or something (which aren't we discouraging?) there's a really limited market for secondaries.

Plus most secondaries are on PVC and most newer IDs are moving to teslin and as far as I'm aware, even though PVC is simpler, to do it well it's a completely different setup so most vendors' existing investments couldn't be used. So really you're between inkjet PVC (which there is literally a wikihow on how to do at home) or a vendor investing into an HDP that they're probably not ever going to even make the money back on unless they marketed to people using it for fraud (student discounts/access to school materials). But I have never made an ID so correct me if I am wrong.



idk what to tell you, like in college towns sometimes when they think your id is fake they ask for your college id since 95% of people they see go to college and for that college, the DOB is on the card. and no it wouldn't be profitable for Dove or FFF to start making student ids but for viking who already has the printer, staff and setup, it isn't that hard and most of the time, the person is ordering another id with it. Is it becoming less common for someone to need a secondary, yes it is but a need is still there for some


NANI Lucy Computer Nerd

I think that's the point where it'd be smarter to find a local vendor rather than an online vendor. Even FYD and such are getting rid of PVC materials and we don't even have a PVC setup because just the cost of hiring someone to run it is gonna be higher than the few sales it could bring in.


vishmonsta - - Scammer

I think you can get a custom print from him if you make your own on photoshop lol.



Who can do it?


vishmonsta - - Scammer

pretty sure if you ask a vendor they might.