all 4 comments



Given that you have a physical on hand, I think 7/10 for the temp is far too generous. The blue/grey ink used for the flag and Madison state house is night and day on most physicals to lost, and while lost is known for having variance between batches (Tbh everyone does but him especially so) it always has been the big downside of this ID, next to the micro problems.
The wheat is another area where I would say color matching makes losts look faded.
Nice review though, the photos are classy.


IncognitoRev [S]

Thanks for your feedback! My physical is definitely a very worn out and abused ID, and doesn't necessarily match the real O21. My camera was shooting very saturated photos so the color difference was more pronounced. It is less noticeable in real life. However, you are definitely right. I was a little too generous with the template, I believe. The fine details really are lost on this ID- my hope is that I can get an OldIronside or FYD copy to review soon.



Nice review. A lot of real ones have barely any shoulder showing so that's actually quite normal.


IncognitoRev [S]

I work at a job where I have to observe lots of IDs- this ID definitely shows less shoulder than nearly all but is not as bad as I think I came across as saying. You are definitely right in that most IDs don't show much shoulder. Thanks for your correction!