all 9 comments


21done Vendor

You might be comparing to a 2015/2016. There are variations in the placement of the ILLINOIS and other small details like that. Color is also wildly different from year to year, especially with 2016 being so vibrant. We even have a 2019 Jan vs a 2019 Apr that are pretty far apart in color. The issue with the color and the alignment of ILLINOIS on the top left are the same with real ones issued in 2016 versus now. This is not a problem and something that would be incredibly easy for us to fix if it was.

The suffix issue was because our system is not built to handle that format as we have no real example of it actually happening. I don't mean to say it doesn't happen, I just mean that we cannot properly encode your barcode for you without seeing an example barcode of a real one, so this is not something that we offer. The process of production in regards to something like this is automated and wouldn't have been changed based on a note. A secondary piece of ID showing II versus your ID not showing it is not something that is going to get you disqualified for entry to somewhere. It is entirely possible that you could end up with this situation using real documents, just like with JR or hyphenations. We just don't want to give you something that doesn't scan correctly. I can dig into this personally for you if it's that important to you.

Judging by the picture, we have done multiple updates since this was shipped to you. Contact us on wickr for a free replacement of our newest version. -21done


ineedafakeid [S]

thank you for the explanation, that all makes sense. I will contact you via wicker



Since I got a lil shoutout I thought I'd drop by and mention that the side by side I posted a while back is with a 2018 physical.
In the link posted I can see a "6" on the end of the issue date, so the spacing makes sense for 2016. Keep in mind everything after 2016 looks more like your fake in terms of spacing.
As for the suffix, back when I did oIL we did not put numerical suffix's or JR/SR suffix's bc it would have all been one field for firstname, the only field IL has ever had besides first and last is the space they leave for middle initial.
Things may have changed (I am less familiar with nIL in that sense) but back then suffixes were a no.


ineedafakeid [S]

thanks for that headsup



Id doesnt look that bad...maybe bartenders arent aware of all the positioning changes



needs better background.