all 4 comments



Oh god this topic has been the lunch room go to at my work for months now and I love it bc we're all across the board age wise, so the 40+ ppl have lost their grip on proper nouns and call whiteclaw "whitethaw" or "white cob"
Me personally I was totally fine with the occasional black cherry whiteclaw tall boi but after trying whats out there I think i would buy bon and vivs more often bc it has a higher ABV and doesn't taste like it at all (more bang for your buck plus no manufactured "shortage") and Smirnoff is also making one that tastes pretty good (makes sense as they have all the Ice flavoring at their disposal) and the most interesting one I've had would be Wild Basin, which was hard to find but was the only one that wasn't a knockoff, it tastes completely different from claw, however some flavors are hit and miss
Though I do love how some ladies will "never touch a beer because the C A L O R I E S" and turn down a 96 cal beer for like a 110-120 whiteclaw.....



Honestly - White Claw brand is not the best I have had, I like truly a bit better (but that is most likely because it is significantly more bubbly then the other brands.)



Can't say I know too much about hard seltzer, but I also really love the OIS nDE. That hologram/UV of your face is super sexy



Truly for me