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Honestly just depends where you go. Some places are strict, some places are whatever. i went earlier this year for a festival and it worked almost everywhere! except this pretty popular bar/club. On top of that i was using fakes from a different vendor that aren't that great. From what i hear OIS makes some of the best ones so as long as you get a good quality picture on your ID you should be fine in a lot of places. Keep an eye out on the bouncers see how strict they are before using it though.


bbydragon [S]

What about restaurants? Probably less strict? Where was your fake from? Thanks



Restaurants is probably the easiest to work with any fake ! yeah i went to them and i drank at every one of them with no problem! I got them from I don't use them anymore because my IDs would always get seized by customs so i hope OIS can pull through better !


nitrogrue Only drinks O'Douls

as long as you have a good id and you’re confident, you should have no problem. big tourist places like vegas is used to seeing ids from all over the US, so it’s no surprise when you use an out of state id



i used idking OR in old vegas and was fine, bar and casino hopped atleast 10 places