all 11 comments

3 OG Vendor

I'm not into washington but Vikings is going to have a good one.


Ramses [S] Small Penis Compensator

I agree. His will be bomb af.


idviking OG Vendor

Looks Slick!


i_main_darius Y E E T

Can nWA U21s expire past your 21st, or do they expire on your 21st


Ramses [S] Small Penis Compensator

They expire 8 years after issue.


i_main_darius Y E E T

So then all 21 year olds in WA should actually have a U21, unless you happened to lose yours right after your 21st


Ramses [S] Small Penis Compensator

Yes but most get the o21 because they’re looked at less and easily identifiable.


DoveForgeries Vendor

high def freakin foto right deir



Now this is going to be what will replace my now 23 year old FYD EDL. One thing I notice though, the U21 nWA is less than 3 years old, so the top should only say DRIVER LICENSE and the AGE 18 should be AGE 21.


Ramses [S] Small Penis Compensator

Actually what we have now is directly from a scan for the intermediate license. It’ll be easy to switch it to a full license for 18+, but the scan I made this with was the intermediate so it’s 18 on X instead of 21.