all 9 comments

1 OG Vendor

I just want to point out the backgroud blue varies from where you got it done. if u go on youttube put in and u will see a real one i got 6 of them and the blue background is darker then your lighter blue so that itself is not an actual mistake by this vendor. Also all 6 of my real or , you can also see in that picture i mentioned about on yourtube none of them are glossy they are all dull so again it varies from versions and places. But you are right not having the ovi is a dead giveaway because u see the rainbow letters from the start on a real.


Ramses Small Penis Compensator

I’ll upload one of my scans too to show it off.


opie [S]

Thanks! I didn’t know that. I only compared the 2 I got and didn’t want to drive to a friends or my parents when it was so close to bed time


opie [S]

And honestly if the had Holo they’d be isable. As they are I’m sure they’ll get snagged


none OG Vendor

It's suppose to have holo, if they didn't have one I'm sure they will give you a reprint.



Thanks for your review. I appreciate it and geometry dash lite which is awesome. This is what I am looking for.