all 13 comments


21done Vendor

Unless you signed a waiver to your fourth amendment rights, they are not legally allowed to open your mail, period. If you package is coming from China, it may raise suspicion, but that does not give them the right to open it. If it is shipped with the USPS, it would take a drug dog hitting on the package or a warrant signed by a federal judge to get into the package.


defover21 [S]

Right, I just wonder if I did have to sign off something when I signed off on university housing. And since it is addressed to me AT the school, there could be something about that.

Courts ruled that employers can open employees' mail even if addressed to the employee if it's sent to the workplace. I just wonder about on campus.


21done Vendor

The practice of employers opening employee's mail is still a violation of common law and can result in law suits, but the USPS has declared that upon delivery to the place of employment, the mail has been delivered, making it legal for them to open it under federal law. The same does not apply to a college. The mail is not delivered until it is sent to the address on the envelope. Since the place of employment is the address on the envelope, this falls into an entirely different category. The mail rooms on campus are flooded anyway and are far to busy and understaffed to worry about such things. Regardless, it would violate your 4th amendment right to search and seizure if they were to open your mail. If you signed some type of waiver for this, they would have been required by law to make it extremely clear to you what exactly you were doing. You would likely remember this. You could just call the mail room and ask if they are allowed to open student's mail, to make yourself feel at ease. Use someone else's phone if it's an issue for you. Just say you plan on having very personal photographs sent to you by a significant other and you want to make sure your privacy is protected. If you still don't feel comfortable, go get a UPS mailbox for $10 a month with a $10 signing fee, and shut it down after you get your package. They will let you open it with your ID and student ID. Take care!


defover21 [S]

Wow, thank you for the in depth response! Putting my mind at ease is much appreciated...

Have a great day!



Thank you!!!



They’r not allowed to search your packages, (most schools I know of don’t) but it depends on your school; all the vendors here have good packing so if they don’t open it you won’t have a problem



Don’t do it man I’ve heard of too many people getting caught up that way


defover21 [S]

What makes you say that? What happened?

/I already ordered it what should I do


defover21 [S]

ah ok cool



I did it at my university with a group of about 8 people, didn't have any issues


defover21 [S]

Was it with stealth? Because I know that domestic vendors don't end up using much stealth since they don't have to.



do that for all my orders and never been caught so you should be good