all 41 comments



I mean if he's from Illinois I'd be more worried about getting a quiz about where you're from. Their IL holds up well to the real so I'd say you could, but questions would definitely be more likely to get you found out.



I mean how did the interaction between you and the bartender go?


sorrydude [S]

I just spoke to the bouncer. He didn’t ask questions he just looked at it and was like “no.” I was like “huh?” and he was like “nah I can’t accept this.” So I was tempted to ask him to compare to the bartender’s real ID



Strange...ive heard good things about 21done. Only thing I can say is that if youre in Ohio, they aren't too fond of Illinois IDs from what I hear. Its one of the common fake states for that area.



being from Ohio the biggest one here is PA, and MI. Illinois getting denied suprises me


21done Vendor

One of the biggest contributing factors to a quality ID is unfortunately one of the main things that is out of our hands. Most of the time, when a bouncer is able to reject an ID by simply glancing at it, it is entirely due to the picture.

A bouncer we were consulting with in Chicago told us that he just looks at the persons ears. If one ear is significantly darker than the other ear, it's fake. Lighting in the DMV prevents uneven shadows from appearing on your face. I cringe every time I see pictures come in like this, but what can we do? We have an extensive picture guide on our website that has a McDonalds Picture Menu for those who don't care to read, and for those who want the best product that we can possibly deliver, a long winded explanation on exactly how to take a proper picture. Now I'm not saying you had a bad picture, as I am not sure which ID is yours; I am just throwing that out there as a likely scenario based on experience.

After the quality of our nIL reached the level required for it to be commonly accepted as in state passable, confiscation rates dropped significantly to the point where I'm actually left wanting more data than I have available to me. One thing I know for certain though, the very few confiscations that we have had reported to us, almost(95%+) of all reports happened to have a picture used that fell outside of the thresholds for shadow/angle that we consider acceptable based on our picture guide.

Go ahead and make a ticket about it or PM me here and I will take a look at your picture and give you suggestions on how to improve, if that seems to be the culprit.


sorrydude [S]

Hmm good to know !

I highly doubt my picture was the culprit, I don't have any shadows on my face whatsoever and my hair is covering both ears. I spent a lot of time perfecting the picture before ordering lol. I'm starting to think the bouncer just refused it because he doesn't know what an IL should look like and assumed it was fake since it was out of state


21done Vendor

It's really hard to say, it could be that or any other number of reasons. Check out some of the reviews for major clubs in major metropolitan cities on Yelp. It's not unusual to find reviews that go something like: "Worst night ever, had to get police involved after the bouncer refused to give me back my ID. He claimed it was fake and refused us service and tried to keep my ID. Had to bring a uniformed officer to the bouncer to resolve the issue."

So yeh, even real IDs get turned down every now and then.


sorrydude [S]

Got denied in Georgia btw, if anyone knows if IL is a bad fake to use there

-1 OG Vendor

Every day each id passes and each id fails. It's more of the person, the place and the time.