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2 OG Vendor

Hologram is just what it says it is. Ovi is paint that changes at different angles. And no one used Holograms with uv on them anymore its very tacky as u notice the outline of it. Most vendors who do pvc buy the uv in the card already and ones with teslin they print themselves.


shoshosho [S]

So is OVI a substitute for hologram? And do pvc vendors usually buy the card with uv and then apply a hologram overlay at the end?

1 OG Vendor

Yes and yes


shoshosho [S]

Ok thanks. One more question, how is OVI applied, is it printed? And do you sell any bundle deals if I were to buy pre-card and holograms?



U buy lams with the ovi and holos on them. Budget has what u need


idviking OG Vendor

OVI - color shifting ink applied to laminates or overlays

Laminates - large sheets with ovi laminated to large sheets of teslin paper, then cut into individual ID's

Overlays - individual "stickers" that are placed over top a PVC or Teslin ID, typically have either an ovi image or multispec hologram on the overlay. Overlays are just a bit smaller than the actual card.


shoshosho [S]

What’s the best quality, OVI or hologram overlay? And for the laminate on Teslin paper is it still like a sticker or do you laminate it on?

2 OG Vendor

Doesn go by best quality it goes by what state you are making. And the laminate is not a sticker its the sheet u laminate to the teslin paper.

Overlays are not always smaller then the card some like NC are full card but most are smaller.


shoshosho [S]

What’s your recommendation for old Illinois and new Illinois?

1 OG Vendor

There isnt any, old il is holo overlay and nil is ovi lam sheet .


shoshosho [S]

Ok thanks for the help



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