all 6 comments



I have two tips but you can also go to most vendors websites and they will give you tips about taking the perfect ID photo. For one, I'd move camera a bit closer, the ideal range for the best quality is between 4 and 6 feet away. Another thing you can do to decrease the amount of shadow behind your ears is to raise the height of the camera so it decreases the amount of shadow behind you.



can't see colors on face, but I've used worse pictures that came out fine. Most times ear shadows are shopped in.

1 Newbie Vendor

Yes, most of vendors will deal with it



I'm not a vendor but I'm a photographer.

I'd recommend taking the photo in portrait rather than landscape and frame it pretty tightly to your sides and from at least the chest up. Regarding lighting, I would have the light hit you straight on, rather than from above to avoid shadows.

Are you using additional lighting or is this from the flash of the camera?


Meow4Fakes [S]

I posted a newer photo that I think looks better. But yeah I’m using flash. I don’t have any light sources other than ceiling lights, and my place doesn’t get much natural lighting.