all 8 comments



I used mine in EL at Hopcat a few weeks ago and it got taken away :/ lmao it was probably my mistake since I didn't check on reddit that it said that the Hopcat in EL is pretty strict w fakes. I ordered a reprint anyway since it really was a good ID. I'm probably gonna stick to using it for clubs in Detroit and restaurants in my hometown since it's worked fine there before. Don't think I'm planning on using it in EL anytime soon tho :/ I still think it's better than others for sure ! even in state use. It was just hella irritating how fast the bouncer spotted it was fake lmaooooo



Used Lucy ID in Lansing. Passed for a while but then was denied and taken on the same night. So I think they got smart and found a flaw in Lucy. Not sure about AA though.


NANI Lucy Computer Nerd

Honestly there are a lot of reasons they get taken, not just limited to them finding a specific flaw. But even if they did... we put out a new major version not too long ago.



I'd get a neighboring sate!



Lucy MI be sex tho



From personal experience, it also depends on how you play it off/what bar you go to. Some bars really don't care and just check for a bend, but others check the UV, ask you questions about the information on it, and generally try to press you to see if you really know your ID. I've even heard of people being asked the capital of their state, which has fucked over people hard.