all 7 comments


Evolvedids OG Vendor

  1. in the FAQ

  2. Sometimes orders go out later in the night so they could be picked up saturday maybe even later. Sometimes it takes 2-3 days for usps to pick up

Edit: your order says its delivered


tdog3445 [S]

Was it just delivered today like late today? How long ago, could u say. Cux I didn’t not receive it in my dorm today


NANI Lucy Computer Nerd

If its express it probably comes in a regular priority express envelope and most college mail rooms will hold those at parcel drop off rather than put it in your mailbox.

No your domestic order absolutely did not get seized.


Evolvedids OG Vendor

arrived yesterday... go check your mailroom or whoever sorts cause it should be there


tdog3445 [S]

Shit ok...Jesus that shit better be there


tdog3445 [S]

I have received the ids...just freaking out over nothing. first time around


Evolvedids OG Vendor

ayeee good shit... glad you got em :)