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3 OG Vendor

I havent seen or flet fyd but a real or is not glossy . I have had about 5 or 6 real or and 1 more coming. You can see on my youtube page if u like a real or is on there and u can see it has no gloss at all.



Yea don’t use that instate lol. Get a Washington from fyd



ive got one and bartenders and restaurant managers have told my the texture is wrong. the laminate on the front is not smooth and it feels a little scratchy. i wouldnt use the id at any bars or clubs unless you got huge balls, just stick to gas stations



Not to sure how shiny their supposed to be as I don’t have an Oregon. However I’ve heard of people using turtle wax and a soft bristle toothbrush to give their IDs less of a matte feel. I don’t know how well it works but it makes sense.


Oldestnavy [S]

Would Southern California bars be super suspicious?



I've got a FYD Oregon ID and I've used it at liquor stores, gas stations, restaurants, clubs, and even weed dispensaries (which are notoriously SUPER strict on fake IDs). The Oregon ID texture felt off to me when I first got it, but I've heard from friends who are bartenders that different states have different textures and it's not a big deal. I have yet to encounter anyone who thinks that the FYD Oregon ID I have is a fake. The best part about FYD though is that their IDs will scan damn near anywhere. Again, I've used mine in many different places known for being strict and it always works.

The only thing that matters is how you act when you give them your ID. Any competent vendor can make a passable ID but only a confident user can actually put it to use.

You just have to treat every interaction like any other normal interaction with a human -- don't act nervous or think too much. For example, when I went to buy alcohol for the first time with my fake, I walked up and, of course, they asked for my ID. So I pretended like I forgot I had to show my ID and I had to pull my wallet out of my pocket and then pull my ID out of my wallet -- don't just have your ID in hand when you walk in like an idiot. Then you just gotta start talking. While this lady was looking at my ID I said: "I'm looking for something that has a sweet taste like Malibu but with more strength, do you have something like that?" Just act like you're talking to your plug who used to buy liquor for you before FYD hooked you up. Get a conversation going and no one will notice.