all 11 comments

4 OG Vendor

Actually if you want to get technical prices have went way down not up. When I started vending 7 years ago the price was $150 all day . Resellers paid about $80/90 . Now I get $70 and resellers pay close to $20 now. And those $150 ids back then were simple pvc states , print and slap and overlay on and done. Now we have to do some much more to most ids, with perf line up and ovi line up and then laminating etc.


streetmane [S]

oh yeah some ids are getting harder to make, so i understand what you are going with that, but even then i find it ridiculous some charge more than $100 for shitty ass fakes from states that naturlaly have shitty looking ids such as florida



I think that is wrong man, I don't know what campus you were on but prices have steadily gone down not up. Maybe you had a guy making on campus or something.


streetmane [S]

well fakes here are overpriced thats one, more than $50 for one. secondly, most of the people I know have not paid more than $30 for a fake. Thirdly, I said the example of free ids because my cousin used to get them for free, he was going to hook me up with one 3 years ago but the guy had disappeared-just like with most vendors on here.

donjons is one of the bestest fakes i have bought from, it was a bit pricey but it definitely was worth it. only issue was with the picture but that is on me.



No one's going to commit a felony for less than like $30 profit



tf is up with these kids "these used to be given away for free" like thats an obvious lie, no one is dumb enough to do that


streetmane [S]

i guess yall are just angry cus your online circlejerk is going down the toilet



If MOST PEOPLE are paying under $30 for a fake you either have someone ripping them on shit ass fakes they make themselves or an evolved / fyd / idgod reseller hooking your friends up!


streetmane [S]

You just disclosed how much fakes are actually worth. Thanks for proving my point again, and no they werent shit. my cousin had a very good Oregon and it worked everywhere. He is also from la so you would assume they are very hard on fakes, especially near ucla.

BUT i meant how much they have skyrocketed the prices over time, i do not know how much kids these days pay for ids but i do know they do pay somewhere around 30-60. Definitely not 100+.



Holy fuck youre retarded. Fakes used to go around for $200 a piece for a simple pvc illinois that was printed on with a shitty inkjet printer.



retard alert retard alert