all 20 comments



I’m not here to fight as I’m gonna finish this grappa and then go talk to this ole miss sorority girl on exchange who’s been lookin my way.

Salz has been doing this before your balls dropped. He knows exactly what the fuck he’s talking about compared to you. Also I appreciate drunk shoutouts much more then this paragraph shit.


i_main_darius Y E E T

I don't doubt that this dude is making money, I doubt that he is making AS MUCH money as he says he is


Matu [S]

I can fully stand by the $100 a month I said I was making. I cannot attest for other people what they make purely off an affiliate link. If you think about it though it’s not that hard:

If 5 resellers clicked on your affiliate link just one time, you get their commission for life. Commission is 20%. So if 5 resellers sell $400 of IDs a week, that’s $2,000 a week together. You get 20%, or $400. Wouldn’t be that hard to pull in a couple hundred a week if you recruit the right people.

I’m sure the people making hundreds a week are spam posting or just got lucky with good recruits who clicked their link one single time.


Matu [S]

I’ve been on this forum longer than him dipshit. Ive sold over 650+ ids in the past year. I have done business with almost every vendor on this website. Is this a competition like two kids kissing a teachers ass? Nope. But I’m not gonna sit here like I’m trying to place my first fucking order


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

I’ve been on this forum longer than him dipshit.

hmmm. i don't remember you on zoklet.

1 OG Vendor

Swim lol wasn't on zoklet.


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

Zoklet had the best stories


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

Niggas basically claiming to have a lambo with a minimum wage job..


Matu [S]

You act like $100 a month is the equivalent of claiming $1,000,000 a year lmao


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

What? I was referring to the vendor claiming to make 33k a month after 90 days on the newbie list, no SEO at all, and only sells one state. Absolute fairytale

3 OG Vendor

We all can read, we can also see that your making something simple into the next Facebook. We get it you like this vendor this month and you made some money thats all cool . But people just don't like the way your making this seem huge when it's really not, its not new many vendors have done all kinds of things like this over time and some still do it. Again not sure why you have to make these headlines like you found Elvis and 2pac alive. No need for 2 threads for the same shit you told us all the first time.


Matu [S]

Never made it sound huge at all lol it only got to that scale because people on this forum made the post big

1 OG Vendor

Read your title of the first one, then you will understand.


Matu [S]

Think it’s pretty self explanatory.

Resellers - awesome our life is easier now and we can make money through random people online we’ve never met before

Vendors - listen closely. It’s a good idea we like and want to see from others

Idiots - your stupid

Don’t remember mentioning any new billion dollar businesses? Think the title explained it pretty well and based on the responses it explained it very well. Never said it was new. Never said people haven’t done it before. Said I like this idea so listen or just be ignorant. Whatever works best. Depends if you like to listen to customers or not I guess


Matu [S]

I honestly don’t give a shit if other people disagree or don’t want to use the feature. Because of people responding my referral alone drew in more web traffic the past few days than the last month combined.



I'll say what Budget won't, "Resellers You'll Nut over this" is an overly hyperbolic and silly title that strips you of your ethos before you've written anything, it makes anything that follow sound like an infomercial.



Making more then one thread about this now is showing. Your a SHILL.


21done Vendor

Was waiting on this.


Matu [S]

When you have over 30 comments, most being paragraphs, this message would get completely lost. I didn’t include a link or anything on this post