In need of a college ID made, preferably a midwest to west coast state. just need it so I can get a student discount since for construction workers it don't apply sadly lol. Literally just trying to buy one item that's cheap but I get a good discount if I can verify proof.
Anyways, can pay via PP CashApp or VM. or some LTC or BTC from Coinbase if I really have too haha
if you can't make a college ID and have a HQ template of just one state I can make do and photoshop it myself.
-Willing to work with you on pricing if you make a college ID as I would like it as soon as possible!
-or $6 if you just want to send a template instead
a Colorado college ID is bonus points
Upvoted: sinney1
Downvoted: Elijah123, DenNelson
sinney1 [S] —