all 3 comments



Ok - thanks for making a review! Always good to see new ones!
On another note - I have a couple critiques:
There is virtually no shadow behind the photo, too put it bluntly - PS score is most likely based off of a lack of seeing actual good PS jobs, and that is not your fault!

As for the template... does that really constitute a 9/10?!?!? The yellows look so off just from first glance, not to knock the ID - it looks pretty solid, but I think maybe a 7-8/10?
We really need people to do more of an "ID QC" for reviews - much like rep-sneakers or fashion-reps!
Too many reviews that are all 8-9/10 that are saturating the ,aeket


orange7402 [S]

Yes the yellow does look off but that’s actually just the picture, when I compared this to a real O21 the yellows were either such a similar shade I couldn’t tell the difference unless I looked long and hard. The photoshop job on the actual Pa ID is so zoomed in that the shadows will never be visible, As well as her hair will block any shadows.