all 4 comments



quality depends on the type of printers.


bigoltits69 [S]

ok, so how should I deal with this one's bad quality? Can I ask them to reprint it?

1 OG Vendor

Picture has nothing to do with the printers. If the picture was bad could be why it came out bad. But you have not told us about whats bad with it. Is it to dark , if so was the picture u sent in dark or bright. Because if the picture is dark then the vendor grains in our puts it under something int he template it could make the picture come out bad. Only u know what the original picture looks like so only u can see if it was a good pic or not. Why not contact the vendor first and see what they say before asking people on here that can't really answer it because they have not seen the original or the one that u got sent out.


bigoltits69 [S]

Ok, I have contacted the vendor and submitted a ticket through their website. Thank you. Should I PM them here too?