all 6 comments



ABC stores aren’t really that challenging as long as the cashier isn’t an asshole and doesn’t run your ID through a box scanner. I look about 16 and I’ve used my oOH in NC ABC stores. I’d say to find a cashier that seems like they wouldn’t give you trouble (ideally a 25-40 year old male) and act natural.


slumpdgod710 [S]

Dope thank you, I went into on in a more run down part of town and scoped out to see the employees. There was an old lady workin so I wasn’t sure if I should pull it



ABC where I'm from is state controlled, yours probably is too. Be careful, the ones near me lock you in and call cops if they think it's fake.



Am from Utah and use a FYD NM all the time they don't give a shit just scan and go just look for older cashier's or people who don't look like they're in the mood to talk. If it doesn't scan they'll just type in your birthday. I've had more suspicious encounter's at gas stations then at the liquor store



PM me and i can give you advice on best locations to go to in utah



PM me and i can give you advice on best locations to go to in utah