Is FakeYourDrank Still Legit? ( self )
submitted 4 years ago by ilovelatinass Warning: 0%
Was googling reviews for FakeYourDrank and came across a site that said it was seized by the FBI ( Anyone successfully order from them recently?
McDimps — 4 years ago
Did you even try to type in the url yourself? They're
ilovelatinass [S] — 4 years ago
Did you even read the article? It states the website is actively being run by the "typing in the URL yourself" would tell you nothing.
iwatchyoueat — 4 years ago
Sounds like a competitor trying to damage sales of one of the biggest fake sellers. I haven't ordered from them since they killed the 50off coupon a month ago, but I can say with relative certainty that they're doing fine.
Bro you sound fucking retarded you realize hes a fucking admin of this website right? If your dumbass would just type you would see WITH YOUR OWN EYES that it's not seized. I really don't give a shit who you order from and per the rules of the website I'm not gonna sway you one way or another on this post
Yo mcdimps, I think you may have misread my post. Ive ordered several hundred IDs with FYD, and I agree that an "FBI takeover" of their site is unlikely. I am in no way placing distrust on FYD. I've paid them thousands of dollars and had nothing but positive experiences (check my post history).
My b I don't remember but either yea misread or meant to reply to the other guy
Actively being run by the fbi just sounds like a load of shit. If I were to go on the site via a VPN or some shit and use the btc option to pay and went the whole 9 yards to keep it anonymous, they wouldn't find shit on customers and all it would do is make people think FYD is a scam which it is NOT
me2784 — 4 years ago
Sounds fake af "Please keep reading this FakeYourDrank review till the end to get to know why you should never order an ID shipping on this platform."
Sounds like a shitty argument essay thesis I would've wrote in 6th grade lol
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albertsteyn — 3 years ago
Absolutely I mean who is skeptic about if it is not even meant to suck you guys with their fake identities however there many unlike them who are working with good faith at all including cipd assignment help UK
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McDimps —