all 9 comments



Probably not the WA EDL, a decent bouncer could probably tell that the chip isn’t chip in the FYD EDL. I would try and use the oWA, but fake IDs in Vegas are pretty risky in general. Id get a Lucy MI when they open back up.


FakeyourdrankCS CS Rep

I would say yes as Vegas is a huge tourist town and dispo workers aren't good at spotting fakes. I'd actually say it would work pretty easy



Definitely not. I talked to a waitress YESTERDAY and said that my FYD oWA and my friend's WA EDL were bad ID's. Bar tenders, bouncers, etc...they all know when the ID is fake immediately, it sticks out like a sore thumb. It literally depends on whether or not you're dealing with a store rep that's an asshole.

The waitress wouldn't tell us how she knew the were fake, but she said to stay away from any Oregon, WA, or Montana IDs. Get an Illinois ID if you ask me.


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

I'll take things that didn't happen for $2000. Lmao either you are a shill hating on FYD (As that's what all your posts pertain to), or you have no idea wtf you are talking about. FYD WA is a pretty darn solid ID, ESPECIALLY for out of state. And by you recommending an Illinois, I know you are an autist. Just about all IL on the market have that phanny Lincoln problem...



Nigga I'm a reseller for FYD, I love them. Their Oregon fakes aren't good and that's a fact. I went to Buffalo Wild Wings and tried to use my fake and it didn't work. She was chill af, but she said our IDs were bad because of the picture color. I ain't denying that their fakes are fucking great. BUT, the fact that she knew immediately says something.

Stop taking my posts the wrong way lmao. FYD has gotten so much damn money from me.


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

What does their Oregon have ANYTHING to do with this post you autist...



I failed to mention that my other friend had a oWA ID. That ALSO didn't work, autist.


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

I'll take that didn't happen for $2000,autist lmao. Ofc now you mention/make up a story of it after sounding dumb as hell



Man you keep thinking that xD I have no reason to taint anybody's IDs. Keep living in your little bubble