If you order from a vendor who is not on this list you are being scammed.
Stick to the verified vendor list, we manually verify each vendor and their equipment and supplies to make sure they are not scams.
If you order from anyone else not on the list despite you seeing a ton of “good reviews” about them elsewhere you will most likely be scammed. They create fake reviews to make them look good.
Upvoted: DoveForgeries, OldIronsidesFakes, i_main_darius, AdminFIDV, unboundkronic, supremebaddi, Vils0n, idtop, tachnationnow, dougstamper, scannableids, lilcl0ut, horseplayin, fuckmods, thepartyanimal, swearim21, robertca1423, bangbottle, Harvard_id, oi2, Ihave_ligma, BUY-ID.COM, jlg23456, gomezsamanthaa, cuck, melon001, incredible65, jhailo1415, ricodxze, leohovey, rando3519, KillBill, fakeidsearch, alex0501, kiwi23, Texas_Lover, 3vil, mmdst11, bluebook22, ivan234, Sonic2323
Downvoted: idbook, bloopdoop69, johnscar, Aamir5816, nitroflex28, luv2b3on1, FuckUall, sam987, tervinator, Problemchild101, greenenergy, nickthetrap, jcard1989, W0RDisB0ND
tmac Sinjin Van Cleef —