all 32 comments


idviking OG Vendor

you kids always forget to blur out the ghost image...


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

How can you see it if it's a ghost??


idviking OG Vendor

gotta turn on ghost vision - available in the app store


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

Damn BCS gettin fancy


idviking OG Vendor

pretty next level scanning!



is the back magstrip heat sealed???



good looking bro


iliketurtles CHfake CS

You should probably blur the ghost image, addres, DOB, DD, and barcode


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

You gave that a 9.6 out of 10. That's why its important to post reviews here for people to critique.

When it comes to IDs, besides scanning, the most important part imo is the portrait. OIS blue background is noticeably off and the ear shadows are near nonexistent. Real nCA has a subtle ear shadow that is not very dark, but is certainly there and can be viewed. Secondly, again with the portrait, real nCA zoom in on the head much more. You should not be able to see your shoulders. The signature is too thick. The raised birthday appearance is off. The blue lettering is noticeably too dark. "Class C" is a smidge too far to the right. The ghost image should be a lighter shade and the square box should be more prominent. The gold miner should be more crisp. ALL of the text in the bottom right should be moved to the right a smidge.

And I'll just stop at that. OIS is a great vendor and makes great IDs. 9.6/10? No. I'd give it a 7/10


deputyduke1 Juan

What ID is a 10/10 then? Given that it’s a brand new ID using it OOS wouldn’t have any issue almost anywhere. I get that reviews here have to be more realistic but saying it’s a 7/10 isn’t accurate especially when no one else makes a comparable nCA. People need to be harder on IDs in reviews that I agree wirh


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

No ID is a 10/10 and there is nothing wrong with that. Just because it's a new state doesn't make it a 10/10 ID. It might have a decent success for out of state. But then again, so do A LOT of states here... I don't base reviews off of the competition. Just like Dixie had the best Alaska and God has the best Hawaii. Does that mean they actually are great?

I base reviews off of the physicals, as you should. So yes, 7/10.


deputyduke1 Juan

I mean yeah no ID is 10/10 because it’s never going to pass a box scanner. So then we should cap the ratings short of 10. If you have a new ID its likely going to draw less scrutiny. For example an oCT vs nCT or oPA vs nPA. It’s just less expected to be a fake (if you’re not a dick head). And when assessing options for a nCA why wouldn’t you compare to other vendors? If someone gave a of god the same rating as a OIS for a nCA that could fuck some people over looking to order that state. I hope they fix the reviews here though.


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

IDs can pass box scanners, so there goes that logic. It's just extraordinarily time consuming to do and would cost a ton to get it to pass on multiple box scanners. No. The cap is still a 10/10. Just because no vendor has put out a 10/10 doesn't mean it's impossible. New IDs being better is completely subjective. Could argue against that as well. For example CA and nCA. CA hasn't been out very long so it doesn't matter as of now. Just because you deem it less expected does not take away the flaws that the ID possesses. When I said I don't base reviews off the competition, I meant OIS doesn't deserve a 10 because the other IDs are even worse. No. He gets a 7 and a worse ID gets a lower number.

You are fixated on the fact that a new state should get bonus points. Usability should not be confused with rating.


deputyduke1 Juan

If no vendor has or is going put forward the time or money to make an ID to pass box scanners then no ID will ever pass box scanners, so I’m not sure how that logic is flawed. I’m not saying new states deserve bonuses at all. I’m saying that new IDs are overall better. Also the rating system only has one section for reviewing the template so even if you give the template a 7/10 and the vendors communication is solid and everything else is good you’re going to end up with a 9/10 review. Just my 0.02


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

Herc played around with his UT and got it to pass a few Box scanners already. It's not impossible. Box scanners are not the end all like you make them out to be. It's not like a hidden CIA technology. New IDs may be better. But this is still a 7/10 nCA. I don't know what you are trying to say with that. Is a 7/10 nCA better to use than a 9/10 oCA? I dunno maybe. But it's still a 7/10 nCA. The rating system also has sections for Signature and Photoshop. Just people are afraid to offend vendors with low ratings. You are slightly bringing up a different topic. You can have a 10/10 experience with a vendor, but not a 10/10 ID.


deputyduke1 Juan

What I’m saying with box scanners is that if you have an ID that’s so well done it’s passing them the ID is a 10. The other point is that the rating system is for both the vendor and product. You can give a 7/10 on PS, Signature and temp and still have a 8 or 9. They should make it so there are two different scores. One for vending specific categories (shipping, comm, etc) and then product related categories separately for a different rating. Personally seeing the photo OIS has of his next to a physical I give a 8.5. Realistically his nPA is a 7/10 as an ID. I’ve used it instate and in liquor stores (state owned) there no problem so just because it’s a little above average it’s still ISP. I see your points and I hope you at least see where I’m coming from.


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

Well, considering I've also held nCA, I still go 7/10. 8 absolute max. But none higher than that. To your latter point. I would agree. Break up review scores into experience and quality


deputyduke1 Juan

I respect that, and at least we can agree on one thing. At the end of the day we have our fakes and we're buying power tools and getting lit.


NANI Lucy Computer Nerd

No vendor is ever going to put out a 10/10 ID because you don't need a 10/10 ID to buy alcohol, the people who are spending the extra money on a 10/10 ID are using it for fraud and the mass majority of vendors here are against that.

The vendors who are making these 10/10 IDs aren't selling them on a forum dedicated to underage drinkers.


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

I think It has more of a chance than you think. Not much, but more. Why not? Market prices are ever decreasing opening up for that luxury price. Technology will soon catch up forcing IDs to get closer and closer.

Albeit, I think the odds of IDs moving to digital before any of this can happen are greater


NANI Lucy Computer Nerd

I know how to make our IDs pass, and it wouldn't cost us more than a couple hundred dollars in equipment cost. We're making the deliberate choice not to have them pass because we don't want our IDs used for fraud.

I'm not saying it would make the ID cost more to make I'm saying the only people where this would make a practical difference where this would make a difference in purchasing difference is fraud artists. So us not having them pass means fraud artists are less likely to try to buy from us.

I helped dank figure it out lol. He got his copy of assureid from me.

I remember there being some state that already let you have your ID on your phone. But I doubt any state is gonna give clubs the ability to digitally verify it because that would be a huge privacy concern, and I doubt there's gonna be a complete shift because not everyone has a smartphone, smartcards are expensive (your chip credit card costs >$1 each to make... to print a teslin ID is on the order of pennies...) and a bunch of other reasons. Look how long it took for us to even adopt the EMV standard lol.


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

Would it slow down your process a lot to make them pass? Surprised vendors who don't really care haven't done that yet. If it's only a few hundred $ that's pocket change.

Well, states like MA are huge on box scanners over advanced scanners, so there is definitely practical use. When I was in Vegas, a fair amount of casinos also had box scanners. Don't know if you lump that up with fraud. And there is no telling if your IDs haven't been used for fraud purposes already. I think if you made your MI pass, slap on a $500-$1000 price tag so you don't have to make em often, you would be gold.

I think clubs could advertise that they only accept people with digital IDs (eliminates those weird ppl). 77% of Americans own smartphones. You could bet that it is much higher in younger adults. I'm sure there are safe solutions to digitally verify.


NANI Lucy Computer Nerd

It wouldn't slow down our process much but there is also not much of a reason. Most of our customers are instate, we're doing MI and to my knowledge MI isn't a huge box scanner state. Neither is MO or any of the other states we're considering. None of the other vendors afaik want to invst into the R&D for it (which is more than a couple hundred)... there won't be much return of investment from people buying them to drink. I don't think vendors who don't care openly like fraud as much as they simply don't care if a fraud artist happened to buy from them.

If you gamble and win they will verify the information on the card. No vendor lets you put your own license number on your order. So that wouldn't work either way.

MA clubs aren't box scanning every ID at full settings. I know Lucy IDs will pass at lower settings.

I'm morally against identity fraud. I know people are gonna try to order for fraud. We randomly review orders, look up shipping addresses/names etc. If something's clearly not for an underage student we'll cancel. There was one really big order about a year ago that we sent over the details to that shipping address's local crimestoppers page. Almost everyone in that order was clearly over 40. I mean we did warn them, it's literally in bold red text every time you log in. You should be able to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else (like drink underage). Fraud has victims, one of my best friends had their identity stolen and it set their life back a whole year while they tried to fight it.

The thing is the government isn't going to invest in digital IDs (which isn't gonna be cheap) just so clubs can verify ages. Look at how behind we were on EMV again. It only really became a thing in the US like 2 years ago? Some jurisdictions might be doing it as a proof of concept but I probably won't expect to see it properly rolled out for a while. Peoples batteries die, etc.



Unless it’s in state or near CA, most ppl aren’t gonna be able to pin point the exact mistakes. I don’t think any liquor store employee, or gas station attendant would notice anything wrong and most bartenders or bouncers wouldn’t unless they have ties with CA.


Evolvedids OG Vendor

We see you're whole face fool ... no fookin cap


deputyduke1 Juan

Where da fook is maywettah?


Forda1time [S]

I left ghost image up for reveiw purposes, idc if yall ca slighty see me lol but damn sanitizer thats really what you find and flaws and clean em up huh. Look man a 7/10 is your personal oppinin rather than mine because i am a first time id owner so to me this shit works for the reason i bought it for why would i give something a less that great reveiw if I can do exactly what I intended for it to do! 9.6/10 thats my final answer


Evolvedids OG Vendor

slightly see you? my boy we clearly see you lmao.. might as well leave the main pic alone so we can see ear shadows if you dont care about your face being out there


IDKing Vendor

backwood litty fam no shill took my cap off out here smoke dat one for da homiez