all 5 comments



Is turnaround time 2-3 weeks? Do you offer rush shipping? And you’re shipping from within USA right? I’m reading a lot of issues with customs.


DesertFoxCS CS

Turnaround is 1-2 weeks and we ship from within the US so no customs.


killa Consistently Erect

what a baddie


i_main_darius Y E E T

You guys just released this right? Cause tbh there's a lot of work to be done, you appear to be missing the "DMV" OVI that usually goes over the DL#, while there is variation in the placement of the CA seal OVI I've never seen one this far down and left, and your RT is off as is every other nCA's.

Temp also needs color matching, the brown CA is too vibrant, while the miner's pan and the ships at the bottom are too faded.

On and the DMV is currently using DL#s beginning with Y, F probably means you are 70 or something


dfids [S] Vendor
