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LA County has started opening bars & dine-in restaurants. Was going to be a gradual process but the protests are delaying everything atm.



yeetmedaddy Weidon 2.0

West virginia has them open went a night club their had fun! Uhhh I am also pretty sure Ohio has bars open too now. Kentucky is slowly reopening them also. Michigan is still closed im pretty sure. TN is still closed and so is IN from what I know and VA is open and SC



VA is not fucking open at all. NOVA is still under lockdown and the rest have outdoor seating which not many places in VA have because it’s cold as tits or wayyyy to hot and sunny


yeetmedaddy Weidon 2.0

I thought they were on the beach? I went to myrtle this last week and the bars were all open the tiki bars



Myrtle beach isn’t in VA....but yea sure and VA has one beach VA beach and a lot of those reservations for rooms got canceled and Airbnb’s are just opening up



Nova being closed is so annoying. I get why they're doing it but these fucking protests are just gonna delay phase 2. Like I'm in full support of the protests but these fucking looters are delaying my Georgetown bar experience



Il be honest. NoVa local here all my life and have been going to bars for about 3 years now and I have two more to go. Low key they are alright but like honestly not great. Save some money and just throw parties with ur friends. Most VA kids do it like that. Just have a hype ass 100 person party with enough liquor, weed and coke to kill Godzilla himself



not objected to that whatsoever brother. I'm at VT rn and have my fair share of parties and bar nights. bars are more fun IMO, but parties are a hell of a lot cheaper!

I just personally think that Georgetown and old town bars are beyond steez but that's me


yeetmedaddy Weidon 2.0

FL is at 1/3 capacity for most bars down here right now! :)



in Santa Ana its open. By the way, Does Anybody know the vendor who can do the Social Security Card?