all 8 comments



There is a pdf somewhere but I don’t really want to put it up. It’s more of u just have it memorized about overlay and teslin states



Teslin vs PVC is a difference you can't miss. NJ is overlay, old TN is overlay. CA is teslin. TN is PVC



there are a few more overlay and pvc states then those


i_main_darius Y E E T

both nCA and oCA aren't Teslin, IIRC they're a blend of Teslin and something else I forgot. something that's bendy as shit like oWA or nIL is Teslin

2 OG Vendor

It's for the sake of people understanding teslin vs pvc so yes both ca would for this argument fit unbder teslin

1 OG Vendor

All old pvc states are overlays , most old ids in general are overlays . newer overlays are ok pa, In


i_main_darius Y E E T

But isn't there still a difference, cause if I'm correct you can have NJ which is made with Teslin and has an overlay, and oOH, which is made with PVC and also had an overlay?

2 OG Vendor

I don't see what your question has to do with what I said. As i said there is pvc and teslin ones of course npa is teslin .