all 8 comments


DesertFoxCS CS

Jesus Christ lmao. Even if you only get a few orders Venmo is so sketch. I’d recommend cash or btc. Don’t talk about what you’re doing over text message (iMessage) or any other app that uses the number your internet service provider gave you. You can use snap but they can still open that shiz with a warrant. To sum it up: don’t be dumb


NeverWashedUp [S]

Yeah I know it’s wild that I haven’t had any trouble yet. Legit been having over $4k transferred through venmo all the time saying it’s for bedroom sets and shit. There’s even been a couple autist kids that put their comments as “ID” and shit. My problem with using btc is that it’s tough getting hundreds of kids to sign up for a coinbase account.


DesertFoxCS CS

Btc atms Save lives..orrr you could sell them btc at a markup LOL


NeverWashedUp [S]

What about using cash app btc transfers? Is that safe?

1 OG Vendor

At the very least use something like signal for messages.



where r u by btw lol (i know super sus question lmfao)(if i were le i would already know this anyway haha)



(just cause im super curious cause i know someone in a similar position and they've been at it like u for a good while)


NeverWashedUp [S]

Upper New England area. Idk if I should give more than that out lol