all 9 comments


iliketurtles CHfake CS

Peanut butter or a microwave. It’s a Ramses patented technique.



Don’t do a microwave. I’ve got pics somewhere when someone did that with a FFF NJ


Ramses Small Penis Compensator

You got those handy? I was told he didn’t do the peanut butter properly.


Ramses Small Penis Compensator

Peanut butter was spread way too thin so it got fucked by the microwave. You gotta do it thicc. Like, ABC any teslin state thicc.


nitrogrue Only drinks O'Douls

put your id in peanut butter and then in the freezer for a few hours and it’ll look more worn


Ramses Small Penis Compensator

So my method I use is a thin layer of peanut butter in both sides of the ID and microwave for 3 minutes. The PB creates a protective layer that will stop the ID from getting burnt, while also remove some shine. If it doesn’t take off enough, repeat it for 15 second intervals until desired dullness.


i_main_darius Y E E T

Leave it in your wallet for a while, randomly pull it out of your wallet


realSalzinator - Last Surviving OG

I personally use the freeze PB method where you put your ID in a jar of PB, freeze it, and rinse it off after a day. The microwave one works decent too