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FYD or Evolved but the link to evolved's website on the VVL doesn't work so I'm not sure if he's actually still making IDs. FYD is "in state passable" but I wouldn't call it a good ID if you plan on using it in state; the ID is a little too blue overall (below the orange/yellow bar that says "DRIVER LICENSE" the area where all of your info sits is pretty green on a real ID but appears white on FYD), the OVI ink is too bright but the sheet is very dark and the edges of the ID are too pronounced, and the barcode on the back scans but honestly any bouncer is going to be able to tell before they even pull out their scanner because a real OH's barcode is tight and high-res while FYD (and many other OH fakes) are much larger and clearly printed using a lower res printer (not as bad as g0d's OH that takes up nearly a fourth of the ID but still not good).