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none OG Vendor

New-ids maybe they make SSN


NANI Lucy Computer Nerd

if you're trying to find a job they will verify the paperwork you give them with e-verify, which is a website where you put in the information off of your work permit and it tells you if it's valid or not. all US employers are legally obligated to verify this information so pretty much every single respectable job will do this.

if the employer in question is sketchy enough not to e-verify or something similar, then you probably don't need a work permit to work there anyways.

making a fake one won't do you any good because the information on it won't verify.

But even then a work permit is issued under federal law (USCIS, Department of homeland security) so whoever makes you a fake one must have colossal sized balls (also why you'll never see anyone making fake green cards/passports/DC issued fake/etc). All of the IDs from particular states fall jsut under that state's jurisdiction, not federal, which is much different.



Won't cut it when they attempt to verify that with your real SSN for tax purposes. Then you're hit with multiple federal charges including possession of forged government documents, tax evasion, etc...

Work in the fields for now