all 7 comments


21done Vendor

Our nIL is passing in the Chicago Loop area at the strictest of clubs regularly. I think that speaks for itself. We can have you one in 5 days or less for $50 using discount code fiftyoff and free priority mail shipping.



I live in chicago lol. your IL is not passing here as no IL is passing in chicago at any high end places. All current nIL need a lot of work on them.


Evolvedids OG Vendor

Our nPA is top notch



"highest end most perfect ID"
The one with a photo that is properly taken and lit correctly, the one with the signature you made digitally without trying to be perfect, the one you pull out of your wallet and it looks weathered just a little bit, maybe some transfer from the leather dye of your wallet, the one you use confidently.
All of these IDs currently being sold have minor imperfections and details that set them apart from reality.
Lucy's MI lacks a few very minor things, the window states don't actually shift, I could go on and on.
The "highest end most perfect ID" actually comes down to things you control: The photo, the signature, if it is weathered properly in accordance with the issue date, and if you "sell" it to them.
There are tons of venues and employees who treat carding as a transactional thing: As long as you hand them something vaguely resembling a valid ID for a 21 year old, they feel their obligation is done.
Than there are all the other venues and employees who don't look at this the way we look at this. They don't give a shit that your Lucy had micro text, a proper UV, and passed all their scanners. They don't get to throw up their hands and let you in because it passed check boxes. They usually make the call based off a combination of things you probably didn't even notice yourself doing as you "acted fine", in combination with the photo itself.
If that comes off as long and harsh, it's because I've been in and around this game for a good amount of time, and sometimes the attitudes on here shift dangerously into a fantasy zone where this isn't about giving 16-20 year olds pieces of plastic that say there are way older than they look.
At a certain point you are going to get rejected. That's just part of this game-no ID won't get you rejected. Even actual state issued IDs you borrowed off someone who looks like you will get rejected.

Sorry I'm stuck on a graveyard shift. If you frequent high end places buy medium quality in quantity and go through them is what I really mean.


DoveForgeries Vendor

Ya, i agree with you. As long the ID is decent than you'll be fine as long as you sell your age on the ID. sometimes people come on here and complain they got turned down because of the ID but its not because of the ID its because you look 16 and are acting 16


i_main_darius Y E E T

Probably your demeanor then, Lucy is probably the best ID this sub currently sells


NANI Lucy Computer Nerd

Just wondering when yours was shipped? We do make updates pretty frequently. If you tell me the ship date I can tell you if it's worth getting a reprint or not (whether the updated reprint is likely to be substantially different enough where it'd make a difference).

Btw - even within a certain Lucy release almost every single shipping batch we put out is slightly different just with minor improvements and adjustments we make (and just because everything we make is custom handmade). We allow you to order a reprint for $50 at any time after the original order and the reprint will always be the most up to date version of the ID. we make our money from selling the initial copies, not these dupes - we're just trying to make it so people can get 'patched' copies when say bouncers in an area get too familiar with a certain version of our ID - and I'm pretty sure we're one of the only vendors that do this. however, there is no such thing as a perfect fake, which is why the duplicates are offered.

but also, like everyone else said, luck, demeanor, etc play a huge factor. real IDs get pulled too. I have a friend who lives in Hawaii and whenever she visits her ID will get pulled at least a few times. she carries a passport card around nowadays.