all 18 comments



Here’s my favorite drinking story. I was at a bar one night with my buddies. It’s kinda getting late, and I’m very fucked up at this point. I make eye contact with this one chick and I start dancing with her. One thing leads to another and we started making out at the bar(I know, cringe worthy stuff). Mind you, I don’t believe I’ve ever said one word to this chick before dancing with her.

After we made out she takes my hand and leads me into the women’s restroom. In my head I’m like “sweet, I’m gonna get a blowjob in the women’s restroom. This will be a cool story.” She’s pretty hot so I was down for it. This girl sits down on the stall and just starts to BALL her eyes out. She rattles off all this crazy shit including that both her parents are alcoholics/divorced, her dad is abusive, she lost her virginity at 14, and she’s done cocaine and heroine. She’s constantly telling me how bad of a person she is blah blah blah. I am just beside myself comforting this girl while at the same time trying to figure a way out of this.

Well, that didn’t take long cuz the security people kicked us out of the bathroom and then the bar. I had to Uber this chick back to her dorm cuz she was too drunk to walk. She was very adamant about me getting her snap, so I added her that night. I thank the lord that she did not add me back the next day or any day for that matter. I haven’t seen this girl since that night.

u21 VA would be sweet. I’ve done many reviews on this forum for reference.


lostidentification [S] OG Vendor

Sorry i got very busy. PM me to get a free U21 of our va and ny



Went to philly for st patty’s day bar crawl with a group of friends. One of our friends drank a little to much and without any of us noticing, she walked out of the bar and across the street to a different bar. 10 minutes later we get a facetime call from her crying as she is being escorted out of the bar for peeing on the floor...

I’d love a u21 VA or u21 NY and would happily review on both forums!! (also could compare u21 NY to OIS)


tmac Sinjin Van Cleef

i was drunkenly walking home and a random dog followed me for about 6 blocks. I think i found God that night.

would love a virginia


lostidentification [S] OG Vendor

pm me for one



Havent ever done a review but if you're down to put some faith in me id be glad to take you on that offer



what materials are coming soon.



My favorite drinking story is when I went camping at a state park and got absolutely wasted. I asked my buddies where the bathroom was since I had to take a gnarly shit. The bathroom was about a quarter mile walk away (like 5 min) except when I came out of the bathroom I walked in the total opposite direction. It was around 11:30 at night and I was lucky to meet a middle-aged guy named Randy who pulled out his map and asked me where my campsite was. I was supposed to be at campsite #336 but his campsite was #549 which means I had drunkenly wondered very far away. He offered to take me in his beaten down truck (which he obviously lived in) but swore to his wife in the tent he would be back in time to tuck her in ;). I put my faith in him and somehow after 20 minutes we found my large group of drunk buddies who had sent out a search team for me. As I got out of the truck he told me he was glad that bigfoot didn’t snatch my ass and that next time I should shit in a bush. I would really appreciate if you hooked me up with a VA ID o21 or u21 is fine. I have done several reviews. I promise I won’t let you down.



Here's my favorite drinking story: Some of my friends and I went overseas to the UK. It was late, around 1:30 and we decided to go to a bar/nightclub. We were underage even in the UK, 17 years old. The bouncer was busy flirting with this gorgeous girl and not watching the door so we slipped in. The place was popping, it had good music, laser lights, and cheap drinks. We had a few drinks and decided to start dancing. Some creepy old short lady started dancing right up on us and since we were pretty far gone we told her to get lost. After that she pulled a knife on us in the middle of the dance floor. She held it up to my friends thigh and told us not to mess with her while she's dancing. We all freaked out, bolted out of the club, and bougut a bottle of bacardi to calm our nerves on the way back to the hotel room and passed out on the floor. Hands down the mkst scary and memorable time I've had drinking.

Also I have a real VA id that I can compare one to.



Lol o21 VA and u21 VA are different temps



I have a real o21 VA



Well that’s not as helpful as u21 isn’t the same temp as o21. It would be like comparing ur VA to WI, there is some comparison but not a ton



Oh wow, I'm a New Yorker who just got her learner's permit! I'd love to compare you U21 NY id with mine :)

Here's my favorite drinking story (also doubles as my tragic love story): At my first high school party, I got really hammered for the first time. This party was a notoriously grimy one, and I had been crushing hard on a girl who I knew would be there. Lucky for me, we made out several times throughout the night before I lost track of her. My friends ended up putting me in an Uber home and I really have no memory of that haha. Woke up at like 6am still drunk on my bathroom floor to several messages from friends saying that my crush had been hospitalized for alcohol poisoning. Drunk me thought that this would be the perfect time to profess my love to her, so I stumbled my way onto the subway and made it all the way to the hospital. When I get there, I'm told that visiting hours haven't started yet and that I would have to wait for another 90 minutes.

I have no idea what happened to me at that moment, but I just sank to the floor and started BAWLING my eyes out in front of the front desk lady and several security guards...They pulled me aside and I cried about how much I loved this girl and yadda yadda yadda...But it worked! They ended up letting me in and after wandering all over the hospital floor looking for her, I found out from the staff that she had been let out fifteen minutes before I got to the hospital.

Then I checked my phone and found out I had tipped my Uber driver 300%.



One time on st Patty's day I went to my buddies work to say what's up to him while he was working. I had some twisted teas with me and he proceeded to challenge me to shotgun one. Of course I took the challenge and did but immediately after I spewed twisted tea vomit all over the side and sidewalk of his work place. He ran inside to get me water which I drank and then left hahaha



I know this guy who's in college with me who went out to party and got an MIP because he had a bottle of vodka and was only 20. So after the cops write him a ticket he starts walking home and decides to take a piss inbetween two houses a few blocks away.

And of course, who would come driving by but the exact same cop, who had to stop and write him a second ticket for that. Dude was not lucky.

I’ll take a VA I’ll left a review on your nMN on the front page of here