all 10 comments


nitrogrue Only drinks O'Douls

budgetfakes and desertfox both ship domestically so you won’t have to worry about customs. budget also has really good prices when you have a larger group


Evolvedids OG Vendor

We're domestic and that size order meets our reseller program pricing. Check us out


girlgirl5150 [S]

Hey, I looked into your website and I'm considering buying! I just have a question, I clicked apply to be a reseller, but I'm confused on what this means "In exchange for reasonable minimums each month?" I'm only going to be purchasing one time, I can still join the program? Do I have to pay or anything I'm just confused on what that means!! :)


Evolvedids OG Vendor

Simply make your order of 10 or more and reseller prices will apply. Not sure where you're seeing the part that confuses you. I dont see that in the reseller page text


girlgirl5150 [S]

"Welcome to the EvolvedID's reseller program, the world's premier service for bulk distribution of novelty ID products! In exchange for reasonable minimums each month, we offer deeply discounted prices on all of our products. Read on to hear more about how this program works and how you can partner with us to make money!" This is what I see when I signed up to be a reseller, what does the reasonable minimums each month thing mean? That's the part that's confusing me


Evolvedids OG Vendor

Read the rest of the page and it gets explained ;)


DoveForgeries Vendor

Dont order from nebwies when you have big orders unless you want to risk getting scammed and try not to order from someone who doesn't ship domestically or you run the risk of getting snatched at customs.

  • Evolved
  • Dove
    these vendors no risk of customs
    You can also order from a good shipper.
  • Fyd
  • Lost
  • budget
    with these vendors a risk of customs snatching it, but a very low risk

3 OG Vendor

We have zero risk as we ship from the us


DoveForgeries Vendor

ah okay sorry about that, wasnt sure


vishmonsta - - Scammer

You can order from anyone except OIS, g0d, book, new-ids.. FYD, Lost and few others reship from the US. So if your shit does get seized its gonna be the whole batch. They will just reprint it and go on with the operations.