all 3 comments



Hey there! I’ve actually gone through this process recently, so I totally get where you're coming from. It can be a bit confusing with all the different guidelines, but once you know what to look for, it’s pretty straightforward. When I was doing my own ID verification, I came across, which turned out to be super helpful.

One thing I learned is that the quality of the photo really matters. It’s not just about being clear, but you also have to make sure things like lighting, background, and even your facial expression meet certain standards. The site I mentioned does a great job breaking down all the requirements for different countries, which is a lifesaver because rules can vary a lot depending on where you’re from. They even offer tips on how to take your own photo at home without messing up the details that could lead to rejection, like making sure your head is properly centered or that there are no shadows.



Interesting thread! I've been thinking about getting my ID verified too, but wasn’t sure about the process. Glad to see this info—thanks for sharing! I'll be following along to see what else people recommend.



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