all 2 comments



I’ve been in the same boat as you – keeping track of NFT investments can quickly get overwhelming, especially when you’re juggling multiple trades. I found that using a tool like Pepememe’s NFT calculator really helped me stay organized and understand exactly how I’m doing with my investments. It’s designed to track your purchase prices, sales, and fees to give you an accurate summary of your ROI. I really like that it’s easy to use and saves me from doing all the mental math, especially with gas fees that can be a pain to track manually. If you’re looking for something that can give you an instant breakdown of your profits (or losses), I’d say give it a shot. It’s been a huge time-saver for me and has made managing my portfolio so much easier.



Oh, wow, this is exactly what I’ve been searching for! I’ve been struggling to keep track of my NFT investments and how they’re performing, and the Pepememe NFT calculator sounds like the perfect solution. I’m always juggling different trades, and having an easy way to calculate ROI would save me a ton of time. Thanks so much for suggesting it!