all 5 comments



The new cards will be made of polycarbonate material, which is more tamper-resistant and harder to reproduce. DPS also said the cards will have laser engraving as an added layer of protection against alterations and forgeries. Why bother with new TX ID ?

2 [S] OG Vendor

So is new ga and many more to come. If vendors took your advice this industry would be dead long time ago.



This is a first glance - check the "director" thickness and font. My buddy 's looks a tad different - otherwise I see no difference.

Template colors could be a little different, but it would have to be compared to the true to be compared to the real thing. From the jpg it looks spot on, but that's just me.

Can't confidently confirm microprint or placement of images/text, only saw his for a minute before he had to leave.

-a (helpful, but drunk) texas bro


yeetmedaddy Weidon 2.0

budget thats sexy :flushed: